Industry News
Šta je linearno osvetljenje?
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Light+ Intelligent Building Poziv za Bliski istok
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SLIM površina & obrezana udubljena
SLIM linearno svjetlosno rješenje je dizajnirano za površinsku ili obrubljenu ugradnju. Sa izborom od 20 uglova snopa i 7 tipova optičkih sistema, možete bez napora kreirati savršen raspored osvetljenja za svoj prostor. Personalize the look with up to 9 finish opti...Pročitajte više -
Prstenasto svjetlo serije OLA
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Smanjite buku i poboljšajte akustiku.
Ssh! Acoustic Seamless material reduces the impact of noise from everyday annoyances like ringing, typing, and chatter resulting in a more pleasant and productive environment. lts material works in concert with the design to help reduce and control reverberations leaving...Pročitajte više -
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- Better Lighting Less Distractions Greater Productivity In modern educational environments, creating a conducive learning atmosphere is paramount. While much attention is given to the visual and ergonomic aspects of classroom design, acoustic comfort is often overlooked. ...Pročitajte više
Međunarodni sajam rasvjete u Hong Kongu 2024 (jesensko izdanje)
Međunarodni sajam rasvjete u Hong Kongu (jesenje izdanje) Štand: 3C-G02 Hala: 3 Datum: 27-30. OKTOBRA 2024. Adresa: Kongresni i izložbeni centar Hong Konga Želimo vam dobrodošlicu!Pročitajte više - OLA BENDABLE SYSTEM OLA is a range of creatively designed and high-performance curved luminaires that come equipped with a host of top-quality features. Including snap-in silicone lenses, seamless housing shapes. It's providing wider and more uniform illumination. OLA je...Pročitajte više
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